The International Competition of Open Call for the Creative Scheme of Cuihu Sports Centre
  • 地点:广东省中山市
  • 项目类型:建筑设计
  • 正式公告
  • 资审结果
  • 评选结果
The International Competition of Open Call for the Creative Scheme of Cuihu Sports Centre


I. Project description

1.项目名称Project name


The International Competition of Open Call for the Creative Scheme of Cuihu Sports Centre

2.组织机构Organization unit


This competition is hosted by the Zhongshan Cuiheng New District Management Committee as the competition organizer, while the Zhongshan Cuiheng New District Engineering Project Construction Affairs Center is fully responsible for the operational work of this competition. Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management & Consultancy Group Co., Ltd., as the planning and consulting unit of this competition, is authorized to organize and plan the whole process of this competition.

3.项目背景Project background


To positively promote the goal of building fitness facilities for every citizen, the Zhongshan Cuiheng New District strives to build a civil sports centre with a superior, comprehensive, and accessible public sports service system. By constructing the Cuihu Sports Centre, it would present the level of urban construction, establish a city image, improve the class of the city and supplement the urban function. The project geographic position is superior, locating on the middle-west bank of the Pearl River Estuary, with Guangzhou Nansha New District in the north, Zhuhai Hengqin New District in the south, Shenzhen Qianhai New District in the east connected by Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, and Zhongshan Torch Development Zone in the west. The Centre is required to be built as a district-level centre composed of mid-sized stadium and mid-sized gyms to meet the Class B requirements for sports events (to host regional and national individual event competitions).


The Cuiheng New district organizes “The International Competition of Open Call for the Creative Scheme of Cuihu Sports Centre” to sincerely invite well-known design agencies to participate in and submit high-quality design schemes for guiding construction work of this project. The above actions are to propel excellent construction work for the Cuihu Sports Centre and to make it a city card for the Cuiheng New district.


Main design tasks (For specific requirements, please refer to the Design Specification (announcement version), the final requirements are subject to the Competition Technical Documents)


Design scope and construction scale


The Cuihu Sports Center project locates in the East Area of the Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan City. It is to the east of Maolong Waterway, north of the intersection of Diancui Street and Weilai Avenue, adjacent to the Cuiwan Culture and Art Center, with a regular triangular plot. The project covers a total floor space of 59,090 square meters.


The main construction contents include: one stadium (with a floor area of no less than 20,000 square meters, with no less than 10,000 seats, including a 400-meter running track and a standard football field); one gymnasium (with a area of not less than 5,000 square meters and not less than 1,000 seats, can undertake competitions for basketball, badminton, volleyball, and table tennis); one public fitness square (with a floor area of no less than 3,000 square meters) and some municipal public support facilities.

图 1设计范围图
Figure 1 Design Scope Diagram


Main tasks of the competition stage


The design content is the overall planning and the single building schematic design for the project land area, including but not limited to the overall layout of the building, traffic organization, vertical design, greenery landscape design, public space design, single (or group) building design, underground space design, investment estimation, etc.


The work requirements of the subsequent deepening design work for the competition scheme


Based on the scheme design results of the competition, the deepening design should absorb the advantages of other participating schemes, as well as the comments from the experts, the competition organizer, the competition operator, and the relevant departments. The final result should reach the depth of schematic design and meet the depth requirements of the second chapter of the Provisions on the Depth of Construction Engineering Design Documents (2016 Edition) enacted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China. The final result should meet the relevant regulations of Guangdong Province and Zhongshan City.


Simultaneously, the unit is required to undertake modification of the scheme responding to reviews and shall cooperate with the competition operator for relevant works such as report and promote the scheme by providing relevant design materials and technical support, as well as being responsible for the technical interpretation of design to the design unit in the next design stage.


If the unit that has obtained the deepening design work does not have the Grade A or above qualification in the architecture industry design (architecture engineering), it should entrust a domestic unit with corresponding qualification to proceed with relevant work to ensure that the scheme design meets the relevant regulations and requirements from the administrative examination and approval departments of the corresponding city, province and country. The unit should report the past achievements of the entrusted unit and the individual achievements of its team members together with team introduction, and get approval from the competition operator before signing the deepening design contract for this project.


The content and duration of the engagements of the subsequent deepening design work for the competition scheme shall be subject to the deepening design contract finally signed by both parties. The final results must be reviewed by the evaluation meeting organized by competition organizer, the competition operator or the relevant departments. The competition organizer and the competition operator will finally confirm the content of the results in writing.


II. Competition rules

1.第一阶段——资格预审The first stage—Prequalification


The open competition mode is adopted for this competition, in which the competition openly accepts applications from eligible domestic and international design units (including consortiums) that meet the qualification requirements for participation.


The Prequalification committee that is legally formed by the competition operator will evaluate the prequalification application documents submitted by the contestants. The committee will adopt disclosed ballot to select 4 official participants (including consortiums) with excellent experience in similar projects and certain strengths of its design team.


The 4 selected competition units will receive invitation letters from the competition operator. If the official participants who confirmed participation withdraw or eventually give up the competition due to non-force majeure factors, the competition organizer and competition operator have the right to reject the participating units to participate in any other future projects competition.


If the official participants withdraw from the competition, the competition operator will fill vacancies in the order of ranking of alternative units.

 2.第二阶段——竞赛设计The second stage—Competition design


The 4 official participants will carry out the conceptual schematic design according to the requirements of the Competition Technical Documents subsequently issued, and submit the formal design results documents on time. Each unit is limited to submit 1 design proposal. The design scheme submitted by a design unit other than the official competition unit will not be accepted.


The scheme evaluation committee legally established by the competition operator will review the submitted competition schemes and record the ranking of each competition scheme by disclosed ballot.


In principle, the No.1 scheme unit will complete the subsequent deepening design work for the competition scheme (the final result shall reach the depth of schematic designs). If the competition organizer and the competition operator believe that the No.1 scheme cannot achieve the purpose of this competition, the No.1 unit will not follow the deepening design work but will be rewarded the cost compensation fee and bonus.


If the No.1 scheme unit cannot fulfill the contract or abandons the deepening design work, the competition operator has the right to select other participating units to take over according to the ranking order. The units awarded the subsequent deepening design work for the competition scheme will receive the fee for the deepening scheme.


III. Requirements of participation qualification


There must be a legally registered and valid business license or commencing certificate. Design units registered in China must have an independent legal person. Design units that have the following relationships can not participate at the same time: ? The legal persons of two or more companies are of the same person; ? The parent company, wholly owned subsidiary, and its controlled company.


There are no qualification requirements for this competition, and both domestic and foreign design units with relevant project experience can apply to participate. Considering the impact of the pandemic, design units in foreign countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions that do not have branches in Chinese Mainland must form a consortium with design units in Chinese Mainland.


 The competition prefers applicants (independent or consortium) with abundant experience in sports project design.


This competition accepts participation in form of consortium, with no more than 2 members. The consortium must submit a consortium agreement, and define the main member of the consortium. After the members of the consortium have signed the Consortium Agreement, they can no longer participate in its own name, nor can they form a new consortium or participate in other consortium, otherwise their qualifications of participation will be invalid.


IV. Competition schedule

1.2022年8月1日– 8月16日:发布公告,接受设计单位提交资格预审申请文件。

August 1—August 16, 2022: Announcement will be issued to accept the design unit to submit prequalification application documents.

2. 2022年8月23日:对资格预审申请文件进行评审,确定正式参赛单位。

August 23, 2022: Evaluate the prequalification application documents and confirm the official participants.

3. 2022年8月26日– 10月24日:正式参赛单位开展方案设计工作,设计周期约60个日历天。

August 26 — October 24, 2022: Official participants start to work on schematic design with 60-calendar-day design period.

4. 发布会暨现场踏勘时间计划安排在2022年9月1日。

The press conference and site survey are scheduled on September 1, 2022.

5. 专家评审会时间计划安排在2022年10月26日。

The expert evaluation is scheduled on October 26, 2022.

6. 竞赛承办单位保留调整日程安排的权利。受疫情等其他因素影响,竞赛承办单位将对具体的会议时间节点、形式作适当调整,届时将以竞赛承办单位发布的通知为准。

The competition operator reserves the right to adjust the competition schedule. As affected by the Covid-19 or other factors, the competition operator may duly adjust the dates and the forms of specific meetings. The notice issued by the competition operator shall prevail in this case.


V. Competition fee

1.竞赛费用Competition fee


Official competition unit can obtain the competition fee (RMB, including tax, the same below) after submitting the entry result documents that meet the requirements of the technical documents of the competition and passing the expert evaluation. Details are as follows:


If the No.1 competition unit is awarded the subsequent deepening design work for the competition scheme, it will receive a fee for deepening scheme, cost compensation and bonuses of 3 million RMB paid by the competition operator. If the No.1 competition unit is not granted the subsequent deepening design work, the cost compensation fee and bonus of 1.2 million RMB will be paid by the competition operator.


The No.2 competition unit will receive a cost compensation fee and bonus of 900,000 RMB paid by the competition operator.


The No.3 competition unit will receive a cost compensation fee and bonus of 600,000 RMB paid by the competition operator.


The No.4 competition unit will receive a cost compensation fee of 500,000 RMB paid by the competition operator.


Note: Official participants whose design schemes were evaluated as invalid by the scheme evaluation committee will not be eligible for the relevant competition fees.


VI. Announcement media

1.公告发布媒体Announcement media

(1)中国招投标公共服务平台China Tendering & Bidding Public Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)

(2)中招联合招标采购网Website of China joint bidding and procurement(www.365trade.com.cn)

(3)宏达竞赛信息平台WANG TAT Competition Information Platform(www.wt-competition.com)

(4)archrace(www.archrace.com)及其同名微信公众号and its WeChat official account


(6)设计竞赛网Website of Design Competition Network(www.shejijingsai.com)及其同名微信公众号and its WeChat official account.

(7)翠亨新区(微信公众号)Cuiheng New District (WeChat Official Account)

(8)多维城市(微信公众号)Multidimensional city (WeChat Official Account)

 (9)青年建筑(微信公众号)Youth Architects (WeChat Official Account)

 (10)匞人匞品网(微信公众号)Craftsman Craftsmanship website (WeChat Official Account)

注:公告附件可在上述(2)、(3)网站进行下载。相关平台发布的公告信息不一致时,以 “宏达竞赛信息平台”上发布的信息为准。

Note: The appendix of the announcement can be downloaded from the above websites (2), (3). In case of any discrepancy between the announcement information published on the relevant websites, the information published on the “WANG TAT Competition Information” shall prevail.


Prequalification results announcement release media

 (1)中国招投标公共服务平台China Tendering & Bidding Public Service Platform(bulletin.cebpubservice.com)

 (2)宏达竞赛信息平台WANG TAT Competition Information Platform(www.wt-competition.com)


VII. Contact information


Competition organizer: Zhongshan Cuiheng New District Management Committee


Competition operator: Zhongshan Cuiheng New District Engineering Project

Construction Affairs Center


联系人及联系方式:倪工 0760-85599121(仅限技术咨询)

Contact person: 0760-85599121 to Mr. Ni (Only for technical consulting)


Competition planning and consulting agency: Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management & Consultancy Group Co., Ltd.


Contact person: 020-87562291-8560 to Mr. Huang , Mob: +86 15011848075 (Consultation about International Competitions)


Address: 5th Floor, Wangtat Construction & Investment Building, No.7 Second Street, Kehui Valley, 99 Science Avenue, Guangzhou Science City, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China





VIII. Appendix

1.设计范围图Design Scope Diagram

2.资格预审文件Prequalification documents

3.格式文件Format Documents

4.设计任务书(公告版)Design Specification (Announcement Version)


Note: The information of this competition, please refer to Appendix 2 Pre-qualification documents,. The detailed description in Appendix 2 shall prevail.





  • 深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司
  • 哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院有限公司(主体单位)+广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院(联合体成员)
  • 奥雅纳工程咨询(上海)有限公司
  • HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbH(主体单位)+广州市设计院集团有限公司(联合体成员)


  • 第一备选:广东省建筑设计研究院有限公司(主体单位)+ PES-Architects Ltd.(联合体成员)




















HPP International Planungsgesellschaft mbH(主体单位)+广州市设计院集团有限公司(联合体成员)










2022年 12 月 5 日

  • 竞赛主办单位
  • 竞赛承办单位
  • 竞赛策划咨询单位
竞赛策划咨询单位:广州宏达工程顾问集团有限公司本项目联系人及联系方式:020-87562291转:8536 林工(手机13432822695),8563胡工(手机16676049435)







