广州市番禺区莲花湾柏堂村及周边城市设计方案公开征集公告Announcement on International Consultation for Urban Design of Lianhua Bay (Baitang Village and Surrounding Area), Panyu District, Guangzhou, China
International Consultation of Urban Design for Lianhua Bay (Baitang Village and Surrounding Area), Panyu District, Guangzhou, China (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Consultation Project’).
莲花湾片区位于“黄金内湾”,广州第三轴-活力创新轴的枢纽核心位置,是沿“狮子洋-伶仃洋”南拓的中继支撑,定位为连接广深港、广珠澳科技创新走廊的重要节点、 粤港澳大湾区创新开放的新高地、广州活力开放的新平台,是“十四五 ”期间广州市重点打造的功能片区之一。
The Lianhua Bay area, situated in the "Golden Inner Bay" around the Pearl River estuary, occupies a pivotal position on Guangzhou’s Dynamic Axis for Innovation (the third development axis of Guangzhou). Providing buttressing support to Guangzhou’s southward expansion along the Shizi Yang and Lingding Yang, the Lianhua Bay area is one of the key functional areas designated by the municipality during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, which is to serve as an important node connecting the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong and the Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao Corridors for Science and Technology Innovation. It is also expected to achieve a new height in creative innovation in the further opening-up of Guangzhou and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (the GBA). 本片区作为莲花湾片区的启动项目,毗邻多个重点产业功能区,具有联动鱼珠科创资源和海丝城历史文化积淀打造广州东部新三极的天然优势,是落实东进发展战略,打造珠江口“黄金内湾”的北部极点,战略性建设“狮子洋增长极”的前沿阵地。 Inaugurating the development of Lianhua Bay area, the site of the Consultation Project is adjacent to several key industrial functional zones. With a locational advantage that can tap into the resources for technological innovation in Yuzhu, as well as the historical and cultural assets of Guangzhou’s Maritime Silk Road City, the Lianhua Bay and its surrounding area has the potential to become a third growth pole in the eastern part of the municipality. The area is also tasked with implementing Guangzhou’s Eastward Extension Strategy, with a view to creating a northern nodal point in the Pearl River’s "Golden Inner Bay" and strategically forming a vantage point in developing the "Shizi Yang Growth Pole". 指导单位:广州市规划和自然资源局、广州市番禺区人民政府
主办单位:广州莲花湾投资发展有限公司 协办单位:广州市城建规划设计院有限公司 广州市广园工程技术咨询有限公司 广州宏达工程顾问集团有限公司 Supervising authorities: Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Panyu District People’s Government of Guangzhou Municipality Host: Guangzhou Lianhua Bay Investment Development Co., Ltd. Co-organisers: Guangzhou Urban Construction Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Guangyuan Engineering Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Wangtat Project Management & Consultancy Group Co., Ltd. 项目位于番禺区东北部化龙镇,北临珠江后航道,东为广州绕城高速。工作范围包括研究范围、总体城市设计范围、核心设计范围三个层次。
The project site is located in the northeastern part of Hualong Town in Panyu District, with the core design area abutting the Pearl River Back Channel on the north and the Guangzhou Outer Ring Expressway on the east. The design scope is composed of three spatial levels: research area, area of general urban design, and the core design area. (一)研究范围 (I) Research area 研究范围57平方公里。北至珠江后航道,南至广惠城际铁路,西至新化快速路,东至狮子洋。 (二)总体城市设计范围 (II) Area of general urban design 总体城市设计范围9.5平方公里。北至珠江后航道、南至广州绕城高速,西至规划石化大道,东至黄埔大桥。提出总体城市设计方案。 This area covers 9.5 square kilometers, abutting the Pearl River Back Channel on the north, the Guangzhou Outer Ring Expressway on the south, the Shihua Avenue (planned) on the west, and the Huangpu Bridge on the east. A general plan for urban design shall be proposed for this area. (三)核心设计范围 (III) Core design area 核心设计范围4.03平方公里,为主要建设区域。提出详细城市设计方案。 The core design area covers 4.03 square kilometers, which is the site for major developments. A detailed urban design plan shall be proposed for this area. 工作范围示意图
Fig. Schematic diagram of design scope
The proposal solicitation for the Consultation Project opens globally to all design institutions. The solicitation process is divided into two stages, i.e. the pre-qualification stage and the plan formulation stage. (See Appendix 1 for details) (一)资格预审阶段 (I) Pre-qualification 通过在网上公开发布方案征集公告,公开接受国内外设计单位(包括联合体,下同)的参赛申请。由方案公开征集主办单位组织资格预审会,对提交的资格预审申请文件进行综合评估,择优评选出5家入围参赛单位及2家候补参赛单位。如符合参赛资格的单位不足5家的,则主办单位可根据实际情况决定入围参赛单位数量或重新组织方案公开征集工作;如确定入围参赛单位后,出现入围参赛单位因故放弃参赛资格的,在候补参赛单位中依次替补。资格预审结果经主办单位审定后在相关平台对外公布。 By releasing an official announcement online, the Consultation Project is open to applications from domestic and overseas design institutions, which may apply alone or as a consortium. The Host will organize a pre-qualification review meeting to comprehensively evaluate the submitted application documents and based on merit short-list five pre-qualified participants (including consortium) and two alternate participants. In the case that fewer than five applicants are pre-qualified, the Host may decide on the actual number of short-listed participants or reorganise the solicitation process. Pre-qualified participant(s) who withdraw(s) halfway will be replaced by the alternate participant(s) in turn. The results of pre-qualification will be released on relevant platforms after approval by the Host. (二)方案设计阶段 (II) Plan formulation 1.5家入围参赛单位按要求参加方案公开征集任务书发布会暨现场踏勘,开展方案设计,期间参加1次答疑暨中期交流会,按时提交成果。 1.The five pre-qualified applicants are required to participate in the release and briefing meetings for public solicitation of proposals and a site visit. They should then proceed with the design proposal, take part in a Q & A session and mid-term exchange meeting, and submit the deliverables on time. 2.方案公开征集主办单位组织方案评审工作,评选推荐2个优胜方案(不分排名)。 2.The Host will organise the proposal evaluation process, select and recommend two winning proposals (without ranking). (一)参赛资格条件要求
(I) Applicants’qualifications 以下第1-6项为必要性要求,第7项为参考性要求。 The first six items are mandatory requirements, while the seventh is referential. 1.本次方案公开征集接受境内外参赛申请单位单独或组成联合体参赛,不接受自然人或自然人组合参赛。境内外参赛申请单位均须在其所在地完成合法、有效的机构注册。 1. The solicitation of proposals is open to applications from domestic and overseas institutions, which may apply individually or as part of a consortium. Applications made by natural persons or teams of natural persons will not be accepted. All applicants must be legally and validly incorporated at their domiciles. 2.联合体内各参赛申请单位不得再以单位名义单独参赛,或与其他参赛申请单位组成新的联合体参赛。联合体须提交《联合体协议书》,并应在联合体协议中明确牵头单位、各单位分工及费用比例情况。 2. Members of a consortium are not allowed to enter the Consultation Project twice, either in its own name or as the member of another consortium. Consortia must submit a Consortium Agreement which clearly defines the consortium leader, the division of work, and the distribution proportions of design expense. 3.参赛申请单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时单独或加入不同的联合体进行参赛申请。 3. Applicant institutions which are run by one same person or interrelated in terms of shareholding or management are not allowed to enter the Consultation Project simultaneously, either alone or by joining different Consortia. 4.需指定1位领衔设计师,该领衔设计师须担任过同类型城市设计项目的主要设计负责人;且须直接参与本次方案公开征集全过程,以及参与主办单位要求的重要节点会议(包括但不限于现场踏勘、成果汇报、评审答疑等)。如在方案征集过程中发现领衔设计师与资格预审申请文件不符,主办单位有权取消其入围和获奖资格,并可根据相关规定追究其责任。 4. A lead designer shall be appointed, who must have experience of serving as a chief designer in projects of the same kind. The lead designer must be directly involved in the entire process of this solicitation of proposals and attend important meetings as required by the Host (including but not limited to site visits, results presentations, answering questions at evaluation meetings). During the proposal solicitation process, if discrepancies are identified between the lead designer and the information supplied in the pre-qualification application documents, the Host reserves the right to revoke their shortlisting and eligibility, and may enforce accountability according to relevant laws and regulations. 5.参赛申请单位的团队应由多专业的人员构成,包括但不限于城市规划与城市设计、建筑设计、园林景观、交通、生态、产业等专业人员。 5. The participating team of each applicant shall comprise a diverse range of specialists, including but not limited to those with expertise in urban planning, urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, transportation, ecology, and industry. 6.参赛申请单位须具有城市重点片区的城市设计、大型城市群或都市圈内重要发展平台的空间发展战略或策划项目、城市滨水重点地段详细城市设计、城市更新项目经验。 6. Applicants must have project experience in designing for key urban areas, formulating spatial development strategy or planning for large urban agglomerations or major development platforms within metropolitan areas, detailed urban design for key urban waterfront areas, and urban regeneration. 7.优先考虑具有未来城市、生态韧性、绿色建筑、智慧交通等一个或多个方面的前沿性关键技术储备的参赛申请单位。 7. Preferences will be given to applicants who possess cutting-edge expertise in one or multiple key technologies related to future cities, ecological resilience, green architecture, and smart transportation. 注:参赛申请单位需根据参赛资格条件要求按照参赛申请文件规定的内容提供相应证明材料。 Note: Applicants are required to submit the necessary supporting materials in accordance with the eligibility criteria outlined in the application documents. (二)资格预审申请文件内容 (II) Pre-qualification application documents 格式1-格式12按以下内容及顺序制作 ,A4横版规格(210mm×297mm),格式13,A3横版规格 ,双面打印 , 简装 ,软皮封面装订成册。一式两份 ,正本1份(封面标注“正本”字样) ,副本4份 (封面标注“副本”字样) ,副本可为正本复印件。内容包括但不限于(登记文件格式及内容要求参见第三部分登记文件格式(格式1-格式13)及应征单位认为有必要提供其他材料)。 Templates 1 to 12 should be prepared in the specified order and content, in A4 landscape format (210mm×297mm), whereas Template 13 should be presented in A3 landscape format, printed on both sides, bound in soft covers, and compiled into a booklet. Two sets are required: one original copy (labeled ‘Original’ on the cover) and four duplicate copies (labeled ‘Duplicate’ on the cover), which may be photocopies of the original. The contents should include, but are not limited to (for registration document formats and content requirements, refer to Part Three Registration Document Formats (Templates 1-13) and any additional materials deemed necessary by the applicant). (三)资格预审申请文件递交时间及方式 (III) Submission time and method for pre-qualification application documents 1.资格预审申请文件递交截止时间为2024年5月21日17:00(北京时间)。参赛申请单位须在资格预审申请文件递交截止时间前,将完整资格预审申请文件按以下要求提交: 1.The deadline for submitting pre-qualification application documents is 17:00, 21 May 2024 (Beijing time). Applicants must submit the complete Pre-qualification Application Documents before the deadline in the following manner: (1)电子文件:电邮至联系邮箱 66459066@qq.com,其中资格预审申请文件提交可编辑文件及盖章扫描件。邮件命名为“参赛申请单位全称—广州市番禺区莲花湾柏堂村及周边城市设计方案公开征集”。 (1) Electronic files: Email to the contact email address 66459066@qq.com, and the pre-qualification application documents should include editable files and scanned copies with official stamps. The email subject should be ‘Full Name of Participating Applicant - International Consultation for Urban Design for Lianhua Bay (Baitang Village and Surrounding Area), Panyu District, Guangzhou, China’. (2)纸质文件:现场提交或邮寄至广州市越秀区站南路15号之一512室,(联系人:班工,联系电话:020-62655580)并在外包封上标注“参赛申请单位全称——广州市番禺区莲花湾柏堂村及周边城市设计方案公开征集”。 (2) Hard copy: Must be submitted in person or by post to Room 512, 15-1 Zhannan Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (Contact person: Mr Ban; Tel: +86-20-62655580), and indicate on the envelope ‘Full Name of Participating Applicant - International Consultation for Urban Design for Lianhua Bay (Baitang Village and Surrounding Area), Panyu District, Guangzhou, China. 2.本次参赛以收到纸质文件为准,提交时间以方案征集协办单位接收到纸质资格预审申请文件时间为准,逾期抵达的资格预审文件概不受理。书面纸质文件与电子文件不一致的,以书面文件为准。 2. For this Consultation Project, the receipt of hard copy documents will be considered official. The submission time will be based on when the co-organisers of the proposal solicitation receive the hard copy of pre-qualification application documents. Any pre-qualification documents that arrive after the deadline will not be accepted. In the event of discrepancies between hard copy and electronic files, the hard copy version will take precedence. (四)资格预审办法 (IV) Prequalification Methods 1.主办单位组织资格预审申请文件符合性审查,对资格预审申请文件的完整性、时效性进行审查。 1.The Host will conduct a compliance review of the pre-qualification application documents, assessing their completeness and timeliness. 2.主办单位组建资格预审委员会,资格预审委员会成员由专家及主办单位代表组成。资格预审委员会由评审组长主持评审工作,评审组长通过推选产生,在评审中与其他成员有同等表决权。具体评审细则由资格预审委员会依据评审要点确定。 2.The Host will form a Pre-qualification Review Committee, consisting of experts and representatives from the Host. The committee will be led by the Committee Chair, selected through a nomination process and granted equal voting rights as other members during evaluations. Specific evaluation guidelines will be established by the Pre-Qualification Review Committee based on the evaluation criteria. 3.资格预审委员会对参赛申请单位提交的资格预审文件从综合实力、拟投入设计团队、相关业绩等方面进行综合评估,采用投票方式,择优评选出5家入围参赛单位及2家候补参赛单位。 3.The Pre-qualification Review Committee will make a comprehensive evaluation of the submitted pre-qualification application documents in terms of comprehensive strength, proposed design team and relevant portfolio, and vote to select 5 participants and 2 alternate participants. 4.如符合参赛资格要求的参赛申请单位不足5家,则主办单位可根据实际情况决定入围参赛单位数量或重新组织方案公开征集工作。入围参赛单位评选结果经主办单位审定后将在相关平台对外公布。 4.If there are fewer than 5 participating applicants that meet the eligibility requirements, the Host may decide on the number of shortlisted participants based on the actual situation or reorganise the proposal solicitation process. The results of the selection of shortlisted participants will be announced to the public on relevant platforms after approval by the Host. 5.评审要点 5.Evaluation criteria
The proposal solicitation for the Consultation Project will be announced on the websites of Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Service Platform (www.gzggzy.cn), ABBS Architecture Forum (http://www.abbs.com.cn/), Guangzhou State-owned Enterprises Yangguang Procurement Information Release Platform (http://ygcg.gzggzy.cn) and China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http: //www.cebpubservice.com). In case of any discrepancy in the contents of this announcement as released in various media outlets, the website of Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center (www.gzggzy.cn) shall prevail. There will be no fees charged for this proposal solicitation activity. (一)费用设置
(I) Payments 1.方案基本费用 入围参赛单位按征集文件规定报送成果文件并经审查符合方案公开征集要求的,每家各获得方案基本费用(含税)人民币100万元。 1.Basic payment for the proposal Each shortlisted participant that has submitted the required deliverable documents as stipulated in the solicitation documents and met the requirements of the proposal solicitation review will receive a basic payment of CNY 1,000,000 (tax inclusive). 2.优胜方案费用 主办单位组织入围参赛方案评审,评出2个优胜方案,每家优胜方案单位额外获得优胜方案费用(含税)人民币130万元。 2.Payments to winning proposals The Host will organise the evaluation of the shortlisted proposals and select 2 winning proposals. Each winning participant will receive an additional payment of CNY 1,300,000 (tax inclusive) for their winning proposal. 注:方案公开征集成果经主办单位评定为无效方案的参赛单位,将不能获得任何费用。 Note:Participants whose proposal solicitation deliverables are deemed invalid by the Host will not receive any payment. (二)支付方式 (II) Method of payment 1.方案基本费用:“入围单位”提交的设计方案符合方案公开征集要求的,经评审选出优胜方案结果后,根据评审结果签订《广州市番禺区莲花湾柏堂村及周边城市设计方案公开征集合同》,甲方于合同签订后及乙方向甲方提供的足额、合法有效的等额增值税专用发票后向乙方支付方案基本费用。 1. Basic payment for the proposal: If the design proposals submitted by the ‘shortlisted participants’ meet the requirements for the proposal solicitation, and after the wining proposals are selected through the evaluation process, the Contract for International Consultation for Urban Design for Lianhua Bay (Baitang Village and Surrounding Area), Panyu District, Guangzhou, China will be signed based on the evaluation results. After signing the contract by both parties and upon the submission of equivalent valid VAT special invoice of the PRC by Party B to Party A, Party A will proceed with the payment of the basic payment for the proposal to Party B. 2.优胜方案费用:经评审选出优胜方案结果后,根据评审结果签订《广州市番禺区莲花湾柏堂村及周边城市设计方案公开征集合同》,甲方于合同签订后及乙方向甲方提供的足额、合法有效的等额增值税专用发票后向乙方支付50%费用。乙方向甲方提交按照专家及相关部门意见修改完善后的方案(含时长不少于1分钟动画)和足额、合法有效的等额增值税专用发票后,甲方向乙方支付剩余50%费用。 2. Payments to winning proposals: After the winning proposals are selected through the evaluation process, the Contract for International Consultation for Urban Design for Lianhua Bay (Baitang Village and Surrounding Area), Panyu District, Guangzhou, China will be signed based on the evaluation results. After signing the contract by both parties and upon the submission of equivalent valid VAT special invoice of the PRC by Party B to Party A, Party A will proceed with 50% of the payment to Party B. Subsequently, after Party B revises the proposal based on expert and departmental feedback, submits an animation (with a duration of no less than 1 minute), and provides Party A with equivalent valid VAT special invoice of the PRC, Party A will proceed with the remaining 50% of the payment to Party B. 3.乙方为中国境内个人及企业的,应自行办理完税手续,并提供有效的税局发票;乙方为中国境外个人及企业的,应提供发票并办理中国境内完税手续。 3.If Party B is a resident or a business entity within the PRC, they are responsible for processing tax procedures independently and providing valid tax bureau invoices. If Party B is a resident or a business entity outside the PRC, they must provide invoices and comply with tax procedures within the PRC. 本次方案公开征集时间为2024年5月至2024年7月。
The proposal solicitation period is from May 2024 to July 2024. 2024年5月13日,发布方案公开征集正式公告。 13 May 2024: Release of official announcement; 2024年5月21日,截止提交资格预审申请文件。 21 May 2024: Deadline for submitting pre-qualification application documents; 2024年5月下旬,组织资格预审会,公布入围参赛单位名单。 Late May 2024: Pre-qualification review meeting and announcement of pre-qualified applicants; 2024年5月下旬,召开项目开题会、答疑会和现场踏勘。 Late May 2024: Conducting project kickoff meeting, Q&A session, and site visit; 2024年5月下旬-7月下旬,方案编制阶段,期间开展1次的答疑暨中期交流会。 Late May - late July 2024: Plan formulation stage, with a Q&A session and mid-term exchange meeting; 2024年7月20日,各入围参赛单位提交成果。 20 July 2024: Submission of final deliverables by shortlisted participants; 2024年7月下旬,召开专家评审会,评选出前2名优胜方案。 Late July 2024: Organising an expert evaluation meeting to select 2 winning proposals. 注:所有时间均为北京时间,主办单位可根据实际情况调整日程安排。 Note: Beijing time is adopted in this Announcement, and the Host reserves the right to adjust the schedule as necessary based on actual circumstances. 主办单位:广州莲花湾投资发展有限公司
Host: Guangzhou Lianhua Bay Investment Development Co., Ltd. 联系地址:广州市番禺区化龙镇工业路45号之七102 Contact address: Room 102, 45-7 Gongye Road, Hualong Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou 联系人:杨工 Contact person: Mr Yang 联系电话:18688447949 Contact number: +86-18688447949 协办单位:广州市广园工程技术咨询有限公司 Co-organiser: Guangzhou Guangyuan Engineering Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. 联系邮箱:66459066@qq.com Contact email: 66459066@qq.com 联系地址:广州市越秀区站南路15号之一512室 Contact address: Room 512, 15-1 Zhannan Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 联系人:班工、黄工 Contact person: Mr Ban, Mr Huang 联系电话:020-62655580 Contact number: +86-20-62655580 附件: 1.公开征集文件 2.征集合同 Appendices: 1. Consultation Documents 2. Contracts for the Consultation 广州莲花湾投资发展有限公司
Guangzhou Lianhua Bay Investment Development Co., Ltd. 2024年5月13日 13 May 2024 |